

If you don’t embrace uncertainty, it becomes fear. 

If you embrace uncertainty it becomes energy, creativity and opportunity.


Learn how to turn Uncertainty into opportunity

(In less than three hours).


Uncertainty Experts is a unique and transformative personal development experience bringing together neuroscientists from UCL with producers from Netflix to create the world’s first interactive documentary scientifically proven to increase Uncertainty Tolerance.

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How is uncertainty affecting you?

Take our test designed by UCL scientists and find out your results immediately.

Take the test now

Why does Uncertainty Tolerance matter?

Alongside top scientists from UCL we have created a scientific assessment to measure your relationship with uncertainty before and after taking part. These measures demonstrate a significant shift.

From Low
Uncertainty Tolerance 

To High
Uncertainty Tolerance 











Why does Uncertainty Tolerance matter?

Alongside top scientists from UCL we have created a scientific assessment to measure your relationship with uncertainty before and after taking part. These measures demonstrate a significant shift.

Improve your tolerance to uncertainty immediately

Interactive Episodes

3 x 1 hour interactive documentary rich in story telling, science and personal reflection, released weekly.

Practical bonus content

5 x 20 minute mini 'on demand' episodes deep diving into the science behind your behaviour, with supporting learning materials and worksheets. 

Personal reports & certificates

After completing three scientific assessments, you receive a fully customised Uncertainty Tolerance report showing your progress.   

Get It On-Demand

Learn how we have improved 20,000+ lives:

  • 40% measurable improvement in tolerance to uncertainty.
  • 41% increase in self belief to turn uncertainty into opportunity.
  • Average 21% increase in growth mindset.

We worked with UCL and a team of top scientist to scientifically prove the effectiveness of Uncertainty Experts. Find out more about the science, the team and the evidence here.

Join the 
next Cohort:

Through live and on-demand channels, this learning programme will give you the essential tools to transform your fear of uncertainty into an opportunity for positive change and new experiences. Sign up to receive all updates on the next cohort.

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On demand - learn at your own pace:

Through on-demand episodes, this version gives you the opportunity to fit Uncertainty Experts into your busy schedule. Watch weekly, monthly or enjoy a good binge - the science still works!

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Uncertainty Experts for Teams

Uncertainty Experts is an inspirational way to help your team work through uncertainty and change leading to increased performance, connection and well-being. 

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What are people saying about Uncertainty Experts?

 “I am blown away about it all and have taken so many learnings into my personal and work life. I have also been telling friends and colleagues about it and a number of them have signed up. Keep up this amazing work, it is mind blowing and life changing." 
“It’s the integration content that I’ve gone back to most. Honestly,  I think it may even save my marriage. Your course constantly influences how I tackle challenges.
“The word that most comes to mind is refreshing. Which is not what I’d have expected to say given the topic, but tbh the program was uplifting, energising and inspiring, I’m using it everyday.”

Hear more about the Uncertainty Experts experience from our customers here.

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