Transform your Team

Through Uncertainty Tolerance

Help your team work through uncertainty and change, leading to increased performance, connection and well-being.


A business

Teams with a high tolerance to uncertainty are*:

  • Less stressed
  • More resilient
  • More creative
  • More innovative
  • Better at problem solving 
  • More effective decision makers

The key skills needed to thrive in the 21st Century (World Economic Forum).

A business

Teams with a low tolerance to uncertainty are:

  • Stressed and burned out
  • Fearful and unable to adapt to change
  • Unable to make necessary creative leaps
  • Bad at problem solving
  • Ineffective decision makers, risk averse
  • Too focused on perceived threats within

Companies with low uncertainty tolerance had 65% lower shareholder returns than those that could. (HBR)


Wouldn’t it be nice if there could just be some calm? With all this change surrounding us, it's natural we're feeling overwhelmed.

The more uncertainty we face, the harder it becomes to manage. As leaders, we need to teach our teams how to be adaptable to this new reality. How to make those business-critical decisions quickly, boldly and effectively.

Uncertainty comes at a cost, impacting innovation, risk-taking and decision-making. It’s a trillion-dollar concern for businesses.

At Uncertainty Experts we’re changing how people perceive the future. Our research shows that this is doable. We’re measuring and improving upon people’s tolerance to uncertainty.

A radical and fresh solution to help your business through complexity and change.

  •  Are you undergoing reorganisation or transformation?

  •  Are you are implementing new ways of working, technologies or strategies?
  •  Are you feeling stuck out of overwhelm, exhaustion or fear? 
  •  Are you looking to create connection in a more dispersed work environment?
  •  Are you are looking for training to build bold, innovative, Post-Certainty leadership?

“A big part of my work is to help my clients make an uncertain world a more equitable and inclusive place. We asked Uncertainty Experts to help us reframe the problem and we all came out feeling confident and like we were standing by something and for something together." 

Shaun Scantlebury, Senior Partner, EY

Learning a new framework for navigating uncertainty

Our 4 step process:

The power of real life stories is leveraged to provide context, neural engagement deepening learning and memory formation.

Data, research and neuroscience underpin the tools used and provide an in depth understanding of what is going on in your own brain and body.

Active reflection heightens awareness, ownership of information and the ability for meta learning to occur.

Activating a new relationship with uncertainty through a practical toolbox to not just navigate uncertainty, but turn it into a positive and generative force.


Learn how to...

  • Cultivate emotional steadiness and psychological safety.
  • Tap into others’ expertise and information for adaptive, agile leadership and problem solving.
  • Reduce bias and groupthink in decision making.
  • Develop intuition to take pragmatic action out of stasis.
  • Guide teams through uncertainty from change resistance to change readiness.

Measurable Attitudinal Shifts

Relationship with Uncertainty Pre & Post

"Anxious and nervous”

“It makes me question my ability to provide value to the project and for my contribution to be useful.”

“Distracted & Anxious”

“Anxious if I have been unable to take control and influence the outcome of a situation.”

“Distracted, nervous”

"Excited, very excited ”

“I am now able to use the tools discussed to head it off and turn it into an opportunity.”

“In control”

“Ready and excited”

“Pumped and ready to explore .”

Key Outcomes & Impact

  • Measurable and lasting increase in uncertainty tolerance (average increase of 30%).
  • Teams energised, refreshed and ready to embrace change.
  • A unified vision and framework for leading in uncertainty.
  • “Life-changing” results.
  • Pre and post psychological assessments of the team’s ability to navigate uncertainty (including measures of Comfort with Ambiguity, Open Mindedness and Decision Making).  

Practical Insights

After the session we will deliver an in person or online group results review, showing:

Sentiment Shift

Qualitative Data

Quantitative Scores

Insights & Recommendations

Learn from the Uncertainty Experts.


Studies show powerful, memorable, emotional stories are the best way to update our mental models of the world. Your guides will be the Uncertainty Experts, nine individuals who’ve overcome extremes of uncertainty and emerged from the shadows to become leading lights in society and business. The Uncertainty Experts are unexpected by design. Sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes confronting, their unconventionality, combined with articulateness and intelligence, is what stimulates neuroplasticity and creates impact. 


Your Hosts

is the writer, creator, producer & presenter of Uncertainty Experts. Sam guides the audience through the story, characters and deep facilitated reflections. Sam is also the best-selling author of “Be More Pirate” and a multi award winning entrepreneur.


“Sam inspires teams to do more than they ever thought possible.”

- Google

is the Chief Science Officer and Co-Presenter of Uncertainty Experts. Katherine communicates the key scientific concepts into practical and accessible tools. Katherine is a Cognitive Scientist and co-founder of the female led Neuro Aesthetics lab Kinda Studios.


“Katherine is by far the best science communicator I have ever heard."

- Lego

“Sam inspires teams to do more than they ever thought possible.”

- Google

“Katherine is by far the best science communicator I have ever heard."

- Lego

Science Informed Design & Validated Results

“Uncertainty Experts is shown to improve attitudes, beliefs and behaviours to uncertainty.

Measurably increasing positive emotions and self-efficacy toward uncertainty while changing behaviours and responses to risk, creativity and decision-making with lasting effect.“

Dr. Avri Bilovich PhD

Centre for the Study in Decision Making Uncertainty, University College London


Lead Scientist

Katherine Templar Lewis

on leading the science informed design of Uncertainty Experts.

Lead Scientist

Katherine Templar Lewis

on leading the science informed design of Uncertainty Experts.

Paper: Transforming Uncertainty from Negative to Positive Bilovich & Dewitt, et al. 2022 Published by CIPD

You’ll join a community of forward-thinking companies


We are the global experts in increasing uncertainty tolerance. Our unique core training is the largest study of uncertainty anywhere in the world and was developed in partnership with the Centre for the Study of Decision-Making Uncertainty at University College London. We work successfully with many recognisable, innovative and complex businesses & organisations so you’re in good company.

“For a remote team short on time, Uncertainty Experts is the most effective program to optimise people for change I’ve ever seen.”

Robin Lilley
Global Learning & Development Director Coca Cola

“In just three fun one-hour sessions Uncertainty Experts lifted up a whole lot of exhausted people with practical tools and positive energy.”

Pete Kilburn
EMEA Partner, Transformation Director Nike

"Uncertainty Experts is an extraordinary feat of scientific storytelling and insight. In a context of high ambiguity and uncertainty, this programme feels like an essential part of the toolkit for our leaders and teams!"

Rich Waterworth
General Manager, EMEA Operations TikTok

“We work with Sam to help us break through emotional barriers to help people navigate uncertainty and move forward when systemic change is hard. On a personal level, he’s had a huge impact on me. I find myself using the concepts in my conversations all the time, and practicing them too. I honestly feel like a better human being. More able to do my job, better able to be calm, to think, to be. Thank you.”

Ria Phillips
Associate Partner EY wavespace

At a glance

Immediate change

95% of people see a 30% increase in Uncertainty Tolerance.

Lasting change

85% of participants scores remain or increase after six weeks.


Personalised profiles, plus immediately usable tactics and takeaways.

Live Results

With support from UCL, your personal UTOS (uncertainty to opportunity score ) will be delivered live in the session.

Aligned to your Uncertainties

Co-created in partnership with you, we’ll align the session to the main uncertainties you face


Uncertainty Experts Experience

starting from 10K

  • A five hour transformative training program for teams of all levels and locations
  • A combination of live and on demand episodes scientifically proven to increase your team's uncertainty tolerance
  • Three one-hour interactive episodes
  • Two live online events
  • Personal reports

Leadership Lab

Price dependent on scope

  • A three hour interactive masterclass designed to help your busy leadership team manage change and uncertainty with confidence
  • Leadership Lab exists to help your leadership team be change ready and change resilient. FAST
  • Delivered as an interactive live masterclass - a proven, scientifically underpinned, live intervention - it will increase your leadership team’s tolerance to uncertainty in just 3 hours


 Price dependent on scope

Is your business undergoing a particular uncertainty?

We can tailor our programme with this in mind and our creators and scientists can create something tailored to your specific needs. This might be a combination of keynotes, workshops, online learning, live Q&As.


Next Steps

Your team is unique, and so are the challenges they face.

Upon booking, a scoping call is arranged to delve into the challenges you are looking to solve and to hone in on the change, impact and outcomes you are hoping to achieve through the event.

Following on from the call we we create a strategic proposal outlining the offer most suited to your challenge.

We look forward to working with you.

To find out more, please contact Kate at Uncertainty Experts:

[email protected]

We’ll move you from…

“An essential toolkit for our leaders and teams.”

- TikTok

  1. Move your team from Change Resistance to Change Readiness in a single session.
  2. Through validated pre and post assessments this scientifically proven intervention* includes live insights, results and recommendations.
  3. Combine personal and professional development in an exercise in connection, empathy and bonding.
  • Learn from compelling, unforgettable and unlikely experts.
  • Find out your uncertainty profile through in-session assessments.
  • Watch the teams scores improve across an engaging 3 hour masterclass.
  • Immersive storytelling, live experiments and engaging stagecraft, all designed to help your leaders turn uncertainty into opportunity.

*Published Research: Turning Negative to Positive, CIPD White Paper, Bilovich , Conniff, Templar Lewis, 2022.